Saturday, July 3, 2010


Kwimba district of Tanzania. It is bordered to the West by the Misungwi District and to the North by the Magu District. Kwimba's population is 316,180 (2002 TZ National Census). The district seat is at Ngudu. [] The majority of the residents of Kwimba are Wasukuma from the Sukuma tribe and speak Kisukuma along with Kiswahili.

The Kwimba District is subdivided administratively into 5 divisions, 25 wards, and 111 villages. The following is a list of Kwimba's wards: Maligisu,Bungulwa, Bupamwa, Fukalo, Hungumalwa, Igongwa, Iseni, Kikubuji, Lyoma, Malya, Mantare, Mhande, Mwabomba, Mwagi, Mwakilyambiti, Mwamala, Mwandu, Mwang'halanga, Ng'hundi, Ngudu, Ngula, Nyambiti, Nyamilama, Sumve, Aand Wala

The 2002 Tanzania National Census showed the following statistics for livestock population in the Kwimba district:
• Cattle - 366,210
• Goats - 102,048
• Sheep - 77,333
• Donkeys - 4,416


Defn: an earthquake is the vibration of the earths surface.

Causes of the earthquake
1. Tectonic plates movement. When two plates interact at their boundaries they put forces on each other. These forces of reaction cause physical and chemical changes at their boundaries. Plates move side to side, up and down, and also interact head on. Earthquakes also occur in these areas where new plates are being created and old plates are being sub ducted into the Earth's interior hence an earthquake formation.
2. Volcanic eruption. The molten materials from the mantle erupt with the highest forces hence leads to occurrence of earthquakes.
3. Explosion, the nuclear and chemical devices once take plce may cause an earthquake.

Seismographs are instruments used to record the surface and body waves.